Saturday, October 17, 2009


Welcome to MonsterPunk Radio.

Pandora Radio is GREAT for punk rock because nobody really ever gave proper airtime to punk rock with the exception of a few bands that were so close to pop music, or popular enough to count as pop music. Pandora can't decide to NOT play punk rock, but they are limited to what is in their library.

The guidelines for this radio station are:

1) Must be punk or punk-related. This means a large pool of talent to draw from.

2) I will give preference to bands that are obscure or got less exposure over their lifetime.

3) The opposite of (2) applies. You will not hear The Clash and probably one or two other punk bands just because I've been over-exposed to them.

The consequences of these guidelines are that you'll hear some things that you don't think are punk. I will try to weed out stuff that does not belong, but I would prefer to err on the side of having too broad a playlist. But I'll be nice and give you a say in what gets played. Like the Clash? Well... I might even consider adding them again, but they were seriously getting way too much air time.

I'm describing the radio content (or at least the bands that I have *intentionally* seeded or removed) so that you can see how this radio station is a work in progress. Bottom line, just relax or rock out.

If you have ideas for other bands to add to the mix, I'd like to hear them.

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